London Fintech Startup Workshop #TMUFintech
Thursday 9 October, 6:00 PM 2014 to 9:00 PM 2014
50 Finsbury Square, London, United Kingdom , EC2A 1HD (View Map)


FinTech is hot and getting hotter! According to Celent, the total 2012 spend by financial institutions on Information Technology was $54.7BN!

Over $9 billion was invested in more than 1300 transactions in Fintech since 2008. Financial technology (FinTech) companies ranging from capital markets technologies to personal financial management tools have become an increasingly hot area for investment.

Startup Workshop  

After meeting thousands of Startups and organising hundreds of meetups & Events, TechMeetups has designed the Startup Clinics to help Startups make the most of one evening and learn as much as they can, get valuable feedback and make those important connections.

It brings in the best of mentoring, speed dating, wisdom of the crowd and networking all packed into one evening to remember.


‘Startup clinic’

Firstly there’s the one to one mentoring with experts in the field. Whether its a marketing guru or a successful startup, we have various mentors willing to provide their time & expertise to help startups get off the ground.


‘Rotating Dials’

We then have a format called the ‘Rotating Dials’ where two circles are formed and people in the outer circle have 5 mins to discuss their startup & ideas with the inner circle. This helps avoid those awkward moments where you want to move on but are too polite to do so.


‘100 minds’

Apart from these sessions then there are the Demo sessions in which Startups are given the opportunity to demo what they are working on to get valuable input from the group. 100 minds are always better than one.  



We then break off for light networking to help startups, entrepreneurs mingle with developers and investors so that those deep connections are made that can really help your Startup. Nothing beats a good old chat over some cold beer and hot pizza.


So if you’re a Startup, Entrepreneur, Developer, a Wantrepreneur or just want to observe come on over and get involved in the Startup movement.

How do you get involved ?



For keeping on track with all the news and information connected with this event, follow  


If interested in participation of this event, please fill out the form here.




6.00PM Doors open

6.30PM - 8.00PM Presentations

8.00PM - 9.00PM Networking

9.00PM Doors close





We can't wait to see you all there!


If you have any questions and suggestions, please contact operations[at]techmeetups[dot]com


Previous FinTech Startups participating

50 Finsbury Square, London, United Kingdom , EC2A 1HD (View Map)
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