Monday 19 May, 7:00 PM 2014 to 10:00 PM 2014
Prinzessinnenstr. 19-20, Berlin, Berlin, 10969 (View Map)


What: One-week course for presentation skills training through theatrical exercises

When: May 19th, 22nd, 26th, June 3rd, 5th, 12th // 7pm - 10pm

How much: € 180 for non-members, € 160 for members


A (future) professional must be able to present himself convincingly. Whether a presentation succeeds depends as much on the content of your argument as on the way you communicate the message. In this course, we will look at your choice of words, your posture and movement, your appearance and the use of your voice.

When it comes to working with empathy, charisma and expression, theatrical methods can be an important tool to train these.

In teaching you these methods, we will focus on:

• Attitude / Posture
• Use of voice
• Mimic
• Supporting expressive gestures
• Making (eye) contact
• Listening to your audience
• Construction of a good story
• Making your story vivid
• Using language the audience understands
• Appearance
• Dealing with stressful situations

The theatrical exercises are taught in groups, with a focus on the individual.

During the course, we will work towards a final presentation to be held at one of the Beta Breakfasts here at betahaus. If you have planned a presentation in the near future, you can use this course to prepare for it. If possible, the course holder will be present at the final presentation to give feedback.

There is no right or wrong in this course, the focus is on your own way of presentation. We start with your skills and teach you how to put them into action. In order to achieve this, we work with exercises that are derived from theater. By exercising yourself and watching other participants, you get a clear picture of how you come across and which way of presenting suits you.

  • Day 1: Introduction | making contact | feedback rules
  • Day 2: Making it personal | creating a personal connection to your story
  • Day 3: Story telling | working on making a story vivid.
  • Day 4: Fear. A lot of us are afraid to talk in front of groups. We'll work on the confrontation of these fears
  • Day 5: How to prepare for a presentation
  • Day 6: The master presentation

The course is taught by Bjørn de Wildt. Bjørn successfully studied at the Fontys Academy for Theater in Tilburg (NL) and was named “Talent of the year 2008”. He is a socially critical theater maker that is concerned with the participatory role of the audience. At the moment Bjørn is artistic director of the theater group PlayBack Berlin. Next to PlayBack Berlin, he also works as a freelance theater lecturer, internship coordinator and career coach at various Dutch universities and conducts various amateur groups. As an actor, he played several years in productions of playback NL and build up a lot of experience in working with different kind of audiences.


Any questions? Drop us a line at

Please print your ticket and bring it to the first session!


A free cancellation of your order is possible until 7 days before the workshop/ course starts.

A cancellation within 7-0 days before the workshop/ course will be charged with 100% of the ticket price.

In case of illness you have to hand in a doctors certificate. Then we can refund you 100% of the costs even within 7-0 days before the workshop/ course starts.

Without a doctor’s certificate we will charge 100% of the ticket price.

ATTENTION: Purchase of a ticket with a "Pay at the door" option equals a purchase with an online method of payment. In case of absence at the course, you will receive an invoice for the full amount of payment (Unless a cancelation according to your cancelation terms & conditions is proceeded).

Open Design City
Prinzessinnenstr. 19-20, Berlin, Berlin, 10969 (View Map)

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