Showcasing your #EventTech at #EventProfs Network?

GOOGLE CAMPUS, 5 Bonhill St, London EC2A 4BX, UK
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Introduce yourself, say something interesting about your technology and have some time to showcase it to the audience.

We are now over 600 #EventProfs and over 65% of our attendees are Event Buyers, the rest are mainly Event Media and Event Technologies.

Every event gets over 170 registrations and over 90 professionals in the room. We reach full capacity at every event!

The £35 donation will help feed the attendees and cover some costs we have to run the events.


 - 2 minute introduction

 - Place a banner 

 - Bring leaflets for attendees

 - 2 tickets per pitcher

 - 2 hours for showcasing your technology during the networking slots before and after the Panel Discussion

 - Be able to contact the attendees through the community event page


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