The All Pearls January Lunch
Tuesday 20 January, 1:00 PM 2015 to 4:00 PM 2015
21 Romilly St, London, England, W1D (View Map)

The Oyster Club


Invites You to Lunch




Tuesday 25th March 2014


 Meeting of


All The Pearls






Click here to see our latest video



Finally an opportunity to bring together all the Pearl Clubs under one roof. Meet The Black Pearls, The Seed Pearls, The Cultured Pearls and the Oyster Clubbers!


Our members include high achieving entrepreneurs and business owners, together with those from the creative and media industries, balanced with professionals from the Law and Finance sectors, usually at partner level. In fact, a great cross section of London's best. 


The ethos is about collaboration, building strong relationships and creating a sense of community, whilst enjoying fabulous events in luxurious surroundings over a delightful lunch. The main feature is the sense of fun. 


What The Black Pearls Say

"The Oyster Club is the best business networking event I’ve ever been to x1,000. I am so glad I found your Oyster Club. It’s really unique; I’ve made some great contacts through it."  

"Great event at Home House for some fabulous networking with like minded people. Can't wait for the next time."

Reception 12:00pm

Lunch 1:00pm

Private Dining Room, Gautier, Soho, London




Please RSVP by 22nd March 2014

Le petit Salon, Gaulthier
21 Romilly St, London, England, W1D (View Map)
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